Sunday, October 10, 2010

We found the boys sleeping like this one evening. Sometimes they get in these moods that they need to switch beds or sleep in the same bed. You can't see it in the picture but Logan has his arm around Kyler. It was very sweet.

Hunter had a fever a few weeks ago and really hadn't been feeling very good all day. Anyway, I was sitting on the floor on the opposite side of the couch folding laundry and I could hear him playing and then I realized that it had been a while since I had heard him so I looked over the couch to check on him and he was sound asleep on the hard floor. Precious.
Back to school! Yes, Logan's favorite color is BLACK. It's alright for now, but I really hope he decides that there are other colors out there by the time he is a teenager.


Lara said...

I think it's hilarious how picky my boys have been about clothes in their early elementary years. I'm glad to know they're not the only ones.

PS Your boys are all just adorable!

Holly said...

Miss you all!

Robynn said...

Your boys have grown up so much and are all so handsome! Hunter is the cutest little thing I just want to squeeze his little body and those cheeks. Wish we could see you in person it's been so long. You look fabulous as always. Take care and keep the posts coming I love it!