Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Random Pictures of the Kids

Gavin's hair is getting bigger by the week, but I can't bring myself to cut it again quite yet.

I was trying to show you Hunter's first 2 bottom teeth but he just wouldn't cooperate. I tried to get him to laugh but his attention was all on the camera light.

Kyler has learned how to make bubbles with his gum. He and Logan laughed forever when the gum popped and covered his nose.

I'm not sure what bit Logan on the ear a couple of Sunday's ago, but it got him good. We all got a little chuckle out of it, in which, he was a pretty good sport. However, it made him worry about the kids in his Sunday school class making fun of him, but no one even noticed.


alexandra said...

Zane's gotten lava ear like that lots of times, and it's because of all those dang nazi gnats (or would it be gnazi gnats?) that we have around here.

Lara said...

I'm glad to hear that Logan's primary class didn't tease him about his ear. Most likely they didn't even notice.

PS I love Gavin's hair!